
"bailando" in English

"bailando" in English
bailar{transitive verb}
bailar{intransitive verb}
amanecieron bailando
they were still dancing at dawn
amanecieron bailando
morning found them still dancing
seguían bailando
they were still dancing
to bop {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.] (dance)
to spin[spun · spun] {v.i.} (rotate)
to wobble[wobbled · wobbled] {v.i.} (sway, waver)
to perform[performed · performed] {v.i.} [mus.] (dancer)
Señor Presidente, esta tarde, he asistido a un acto de bienvenida de la compañía de baile Shen Yun Performing Arts Group en el salón de diputados.
Mr President, this evening, I attended a reception for the Shen Yun Performing Arts Group in the Members' Salon.
bailar[bailando · bailado] {intransitive verb}
Era totalmente sorda, pero aprendió a bailar mediante el ritmo de sus pies y llegó a bailar con el Balet Nacional Portugués.
She was profoundly deaf, but learnt to dance through the rhythm of her feet and went on to dance with the Portuguese National Ballet.
Señor Presidente, ¡a eso yo lo llamo bailar sobre la tumba de los derechos de los ciudadanos!
Mr President, I call that dancing on the grave of citizens' rights!
Pensé que era un buen ejemplo de lo que se denomina "bailar sobre la cabeza de un alfiler".
I thought that it was a good example of dancing on pinheads.
to mosh {v.i.} [coll.]

Context examples for "bailando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
mientras tanto la firma del contrato queda bailando
meanwhile the contract is still up in the air
bailando desenfrenadamente en la pista
gyrating wildly on the dance floor
es de lo más salado bailando flamenco
he dances flamenco with real flair
tus zapatos me quedan bailando
your shoes are miles too big for me
¡qué salero tienes bailando!
you're a really stylish dancer!
amanecieron bailando
morning found them still dancing
amanecieron bailando
they were still dancing at dawn
es una chingona bailando
she's a hell of a dancer
es una chingona bailando
she's a shit-hot dancer
seguían bailando
they were still dancing