
"autoprotegerse" in English

"autoprotegerse" in English

Context examples for "autoprotegerse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todas las instituciones adolecen del vicio de autoprotegerse en lugar de ocuparse del público.
I do not think it is because the EU institutions work better than Member State institutions.
Todas las instituciones adolecen del vicio de autoprotegerse en lugar de ocuparse del público.
All institutions suffer from the problem of protecting themselves rather than looking after the public.
Por lo tanto, es indudable que la mayor parte de sus esfuerzos tendrán que dedicarse a autoprotegerse y a mantenerse en una situación logística muy difícil.
Undoubtedly, therefore, most of its effort will go into protecting and sustaining itself in a very difficult logistical situation.
Tiene poco sentido echar la culpa al personal de todo lo que molesta a los pasajeros, personal que se ve a menudo obligado a ir a la huelga para autoprotegerse.
There is little point in blaming the workers for everything that could cause irritation among passengers. These workers are sometimes obliged to strike out of self-preservation.