
"atraque" in English

"atraque" in English
He mencionado los puertos de refugio y los puntos de atraque seguros en uno de mis informes anteriores.
I mentioned airports and safe berthing places in one of my previous reports.
docking{noun} [naut.]
necking{noun} [coll.]
pegarse un atraque
to have a necking session
snogging{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "atraque":
Context examples for "atraque" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Dicho de otro modo, que el Estado miembro al que pertenezca el puerto de atraque del buque sea quien determine lo más adecuado en cada caso.
In other words, what is adequate in such a situation would be determined by the Member State whose port the vessel is entering.
pegarse un atraque
to have a necking session
Desde finales de agosto, el Gobierno portugués ha impedido que el barco neerlandés atraque en un puerto situado en la costa oeste de Portugal.
Ever since the end of August, the Portuguese Government has been preventing the Dutch vessel from entering a port on the west coast of Portugal.
pegarse un atraque
to have a snog
Las disposiciones con las que contamos a día de hoy permiten igualmente que una embarcación en peligro atraque en un puerto distinto del asignado, siempre y cuando no deposite allí sus capturas.
The provisions we have now also allow a ship at risk to dock in a port other than that designated, provided that it does not land its catch there.
Esto es lo que dijo la mayoría en este Parlamento y, de hecho, es lo que dice «Women on Waves».Pero Portugal se ha negado a permitir el atraque del barco, lo cual es sorprendente.
That is what was said by the majority in this Parliament, as indeed it is what is said by ‘Women on Waves’.Portugal, however, has refused to allow the ship access to the port, which is bizarre.
Pero Portugal se ha negado a permitir el atraque del barco, lo cual es sorprendente.
That is what was said by the majority in this Parliament, as indeed it is what is said by ‘ Women on Waves’. Portugal, however, has refused to allow the ship access to the port, which is bizarre.