
"artífice" in English

Puede ser que los artífices de la política no lo comprendan lo bastante y en la toma de decisiones políticas se preste insuficiente atención a esta faceta.
That is perhaps not sufficiently understood by the policy-makers and is not taken into account sufficiently in political decision-making.
author{noun} (of success)
como "artífices de una nueva humanidad, donde hermanos y hermanas, todos
to take up their role as "craftsmen of a new humanity, where brothers and
framer{noun} (of laws, constitution)
architect{noun} [fig.]
Lo lamento porque sin duda ha sido él el artífice de la primera Presidencia de la Unión Europea de geometría variable.
I am sorry because it is Mr Aznar who has undoubtedly been the architect of the first variable-geometry Presidency of the European Union.
el artífice de esta victoria
the architect of this victory
Si sus artífices hubieran escuchado lo que los ciudadanos de la UE tenían que decir, habrían conseguido su objetivo.
If its architects were keen to hear what the EU’s citizens had to say, then they have achieved their goal.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "artífice":
Context examples for "artífice" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El amor es artífice de comunión entre las personas y entre las Comunidades.
Love builds communion between individuals and between Communities.
(Gn 1,2), y en el comienzo de la redención, como artífice
1:2) and, at the dawn of the work of redemption, as the one through whom
Cada monasterio ha de poder ser, de hecho, artífice de la propia
Every monastery should in fact be able to find within itself the
Jörg Haider, como artífice de la palabra, ha sido una voz que defendía el racismo y la xenofobia.
We found that Mr Jörg Haider, as a wordsmith, has been a voice for racism and for xenophobia.
así verdadero artífice de comunión, la cual puede ser
can only be done by adherence to the truth.
fue el artífice y ejecutor material del secuestro
he planned and carried out the kidnapping
fue el artífice de la recuperación de la empresa
he engineered the company's recovery
era el artífice de su felicidad
she was the person responsible for his happiness
Artífice de la colaboración. El apostolado es un acto eclesial, comunitario, ordenado jerárquicamente en distintos
10. Promoter of collaboration. Apostolic activity is the work of the Church, of a community, that is hierarchically organized with
era el artífice de su felicidad
she was the reason for his happiness
así en el sacramento del Orden es el artífice de la consagración sacerdotal o episcopal » (Don y Misterio, p. 59).
Body and Blood of Christ, so in the Sacrament of Orders it is he who works the consecration of bishop or priest" (Gift and Mystery, p. 53).
el artífice de esta victoria
the architect of this victory
Artífice de la colaboración. El apostolado es un acto eclesial, comunitario, ordenado jerárquicamente en distintos niveles de competencia (98).
10. Promoter of collaboration. Apostolic activity is the work of the Church, of a community, that is hierarchically organized with different levels of competence.
Si no hay objeciones en su propio Grupo, que es el artífice de la enmienda, y si ningún otro colega protesta demasiado, propongo que aceptemos esa fórmula.
If your own group, which drafted the amendment, does not object and if there are no violent protests from other Members, I propose that we proceed as you suggest.
Este hombre de Estado, artífice de la restauración de la democracia en su país y de su ingreso en la Unión Europea, merece el reconocimiento de todos los europeos.
As a statesman, he was responsible for the restoration of democracy in his country and its entry into the European Union, and he deserves recognition from all Europeans.
instrumento de producción,12 mientras él, —él solo, independientemente del trabajo que realiza— debería ser tratado como sujeto eficiente y su verdadero artífice y creador.
Various forms of neo-capitalism or collectivism have developed. Various new systems have been thought out. Workers can often share in running businesses and in controlling their