
"arrogar" in English

"arrogar" in English
arrogar{transitive verb}
arrogar[arrogando · arrogado] {transitive verb}
Si, por el contrario, la UE se arroga competencias en ámbitos en que los Parlamentos nacionales pueden legislar por sí solos, saldremos perdiendo en influencia y en democracia.
If, however, the EU arrogates power to itself in areas in which the national parliaments themselves can legislate, we lose in terms of both influence and democracy.
Por tanto, debo rechazar el reproche que se ha hecho a la Comisión de que se ha arrogado a sí misma competencias que no le corresponden, que está elaborando su propio sistema legislativo.
So I must reject the reproach made against the Commission that it has arrogated unto itself certain competences that it should not have, that it is framing its own system of rules.

Context examples for "arrogar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si la Unión Europea se quiere arrogar este atributo supremo de condición de Estado, debiera tener la decencia de pedir permiso antes a sus ciudadanos en referendos.
If the European Union wishes to give itself that supreme attribute of statehood, it should have the decency to ask its peoples' permission first in referendums.