
"apartments" in Spanish

pisos{m pl}
A significant proportion of the EU population lives in tower block apartments.
Una parte importante de la población de la UE vive en bloques de pisos.
she has several apartments that she rents out
tiene varios pisos de alquiler
There was the case of the purchase of apartments when the Commission moved into fine premises in Paris.
Había montones de fraudes, hubo un caso de compra de pisos cuando la Comisión se instaló en unos elegantes edificios de París.
They agreed to having their the apartments and warehouses in other places.
Aceptaron quedarse con apartamentos y almacenes en otros lugares.
apartments in this area are prohibitively expensive
en esta zona los apartamentos tienen un precio prohibitivo
there's a lot of money to be made buying and selling apartments
esto de la compraventa de apartamentos es un negocio
In his medical apartment in the Vatican, his Polish secretary is all-powerful.
En su apartamento medicalizado del Vaticano, su secretario polaco se ha convertido en el hombre fuerte.
Each family has its own apartment.
Cada familia tiene su apartamento.
now they're struggling to make ends meet in an apartment in Bogotá
ahora malviven en un apartamento en Bogotá
apartment{noun} [idiom]
departamento{m} [LAm.]
Matt told me that when we went back to Dave’s apartment, Dave still had his camera transferring videos to dvd for us.
Matt me dijo que cuándo fuimos al departamento de Dave, aún tenía su camara transfiriendo videos a dvd para nosotros.
a ground-floor apartment
un departamento en el primer piso
he set her up in an apartment
le puso un departamento
piso{m} [Spa.]
Soon to start a new job in the United Kingdom, Ismail sold his apartment in France.
Ismail, que pronto empezará a trabajar en el Reino Unido, vende su piso en Francia.
Lionel from France has been posted to Malta for 1 year and taken an apartment there.
Lionel, ciudadano francés, se desplaza a trabajar durante un año a Malta, donde alquila un piso.
Apartment blocks must not be built; there is not a strip of green in the whole of Athens.
Es preciso que no se construyan bloques de pisos; no hay ni una zona verde en toda Atenas.

Synonyms (English) for "apartment":
Context examples for "apartments" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
there's a lot of money to be made buying and selling apartments
esto de la compraventa de apartamentos es un negocio
apartments in this area are prohibitively expensive
en esta zona los apartamentos tienen un precio prohibitivo
As for those who call out to you from behind the private apartments, surely most of them understand not.
Realmente, [Oh Profeta,] los que te llaman desde fuera de tus habitaciones privadas --la mayoría de ellos no razonan:
she has several apartments that she rents out
tiene varios pisos de alquiler
state apartments
aposentos donde se recibe a monarcas o altos funcionarios
there are several vacant apartments
hay varios apartamentos desalquilados
luxury apartments, price guaranteed
apartamentos de lujo, precio cerrado