
"anarquista" in English

"anarquista" in English
anarquista{adjective masculine/feminine}
anarchist{noun} [idiom]
Son figuras creadas para impedir que anarquistas y socialistas desarrollaran sus actividades políticas durante el período del fascismo.
They were introduced to stop anarchists and socialists from expanding their political activities during the period of fascism.
En otras capitales de países de Europa tenemos el mismo problema: los anarquistas asilados constituyen un Estado dentro del Estado.
In other capitals of countries of Europe we have the same problem: the anarchists in asylum are a state within a state.
Todos los diputados de esta Cámara debemos tener muy claro que no permitiremos a nadie –ya sean terroristas, anarquistas, o quien sea– que nos presione.
It must be absolutely plain to us in this House that we will not allow anyone – be they terrorists, anarchists or anyone else – to bring pressure to bear on us.
anarquista{adjective masculine/feminine}
Todos los diputados de esta Cámara debemos tener muy claro que no permitiremos a nadie –ya sean terroristas, anarquistas, o quien sea– que nos presione.
It must be absolutely plain to us in this House that we will not allow anyone – be they terrorists, anarchists or anyone else – to bring pressure to bear on us.
Todos los diputados de esta Cámara debemos tener muy claro que no permitiremos a nadie – ya sean terroristas, anarquistas, o quien sea– que nos presione.
It must be absolutely plain to us in this House that we will not allow anyone – be they terrorists, anarchists or anyone else – to bring pressure to bear on us.
En otras capitales de países de Europa tenemos el mismo problema: los anarquistas asilados constituyen un Estado dentro del Estado.
In other capitals of countries of Europe we have the same problem: the anarchists in asylum are a state within a state.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "anarquista":