
"amplifying" in Spanish

"amplifying" in Spanish
amplifying{adjective} [idiom]
amplificador{adj.} (aparato, circuito)
Religious differences often fuel and amplify existing differences, leading to larger clashes.
Las diferencias religiosas a menudo avivan y amplifican las diferencias existentes, lo que origina mayores enfrentamientos.
For the continent of Africa this pandemic is already amplifying the impact of famine which is now threatening so many countries in Africa itself.
En el continente africano, esta epidemia ya está amplificando el impacto del hambre que en la actualidad amenaza a tantos países de África.
You know that the asymmetrical shocks of the last 25 years have been greatly amplified by divergent policies.
Sabe usted que los choques asimétricos de los 25 últimos años se veían claramente amplificados por políticas divergentes.
to amplify[amplified · amplified] {transitive verb} [idiom]
With Software Assurance you gain powerful, time-tested resources to help amplify the impact of people across your organization, regardless of their role.
Con Software Assurance su organización adquiere recursos potentes y probados que aumentan el impacto de la actividad de los empleados, con independencia de su posición o tipo de trabajo.
We, the Socialists, hope that the summit taking place this week will hear and amplify the voice of the poor.
Nosotros, los Socialistas, esperamos que la cumbre que tendrá lugar esta semana oiga y amplíe la voz de los pobres.
could you amplify on that?
¿podría ampliar la información sobre ese punto?
These problems will almost certainly be amplified by developments in electronic trading.
Fenómenos que, sin ninguna duda, se verán ampliados por el desarrollo del comercio electrónico.
These problems will almost certainly be amplified by developments in electronic trading.
Fenómenos que, sin ninguna duda, se verán ampliados por el desarrollo del comercio electrónico.

Context examples for "amplifying" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But just think of the enormous amplifying effect produced by young people who gain positive personal experience from these programmes.
Consideren, no obstante, el enorme efecto multiplicador que desencadenarán las correspondientes experiencias personales positivas de esos jóvenes.
I thank Mr Sainjon for repeating and amplifying in his report the call I made in the opinion, although I do feel that he has overstretched his demands.
Quiero dar las gracias al colega, Sr. Sainjon, por haber recogido ampliamente en su informe la exigencia que plantea mi opinión aunque creo que ha exagerado en sus exigencias.