
"agresor" in English

"agresor" in English
En la mayoría de los casos, el agresor es el marido o la pareja, o algún conocido.
In most cases, the aggressor is the husband or partner, or an acquaintance.
Tus acciones significan que te has convertido en el agresor, no en la víctima.
Your actions mean that you have become the aggressor, not the victim.
La falta de solidaridad y la sumisión ciega a un agresor alienta siempre a este último.
Lack of solidarity and subservience to an aggressor always encourages the latter.
El agresor que le asestó la puñalada le gritó según parece: "Allah Akbar", "Dios es grande".
His attacker is reported to have said: "Allah Akbar". " God is the Highest".
De esa forma, convierte al agresor en víctima.
It is therefore making a victim out of the attacker.
¿Cabe hablar de imparcialidad hacia el ocupante y el ocupado, o hacia el agresor y la víctima?
Can one ever demand impartiality between the occupied and the occupier, or between the attacker and the victim?
hubo que recurrir a la fuerza para reducir al agresor
they had to resort to force to subdue the assailant
no pudo identificar a su agresor
she was unable to identify her assailant
Hay muchas sospechas de que cinco turcochipriotas fueron los agresores en este caso.
Five Turkish Cypriots are very strongly suspected of being the assailants in this case.
abuser{noun} [law]
Estas mujeres necesitan ayuda de los gobiernos para reincorporarse al mercado laboral para adquirir una verdadera independencia económica con respecto a sus agresores.
Such women require help from government to re-enter the labour market in order to acquire true economic independence from their abuser.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "agresor":
Context examples for "agresor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
[o] el represor del bien, [o] el agresor perverso,
Hinderer (obstructer) of good, transgressor beyond limits, malefactor,
hubo que recurrir a la fuerza para reducir al agresor
they had to resort to force to subdue the assailant
Varias personas también resultaron gravemente heridas a manos del agresor, quien posteriormente se suicidó de un disparo.
A number of people were also seriously injured by the perpetrator, who then turned his gun on himself.
De esa forma, convierte al agresor en víctima.
This is a particularly serious situation.
Necesitamos una legislación que proteja a las mujeres y sancione al agresor, ya se trate del marido, de delincuentes o violadores.
We need laws which protect women and punish the perpetrators, whether they are husbands, pimps or rapists.
no pudo identificar a su agresor
she was unable to identify her assailant
no pudo identificar a su agresor
she was unable to identify her attacker
identificación con el agresor
identification with the aggressor
Al condenar la violencia contra las mujeres embarazadas, el informe declara, y cito: "el agresor pone en peligro la vida de más de una persona".
In condemning violence against pregnant women, the report states, and I quote: 'the perpetrator thereby harms more than one person'.
Durante los cerca de mil años de existencia de esta frontera, han sido habituales las guerras y los conflictos y, casi sin excepción, el agresor ha llegado del Este.
For around one thousand years, wars and conflicts have been common and, almost without exception, the attack has been from the east.
Por ese motivo, a menudo la víctima no denunciaba una violación, especialmente por miedo al agresor, miedo por los niños o lealtad a la familia.
For that reason, the victim would often not report an assault, especially out of fear of the perpetrator, fear for the children or loyalty to the family.