
"afiliadas" in English

"afiliadas" in English
afiliadas{adjective feminine plural}
afiliadas{adjective feminine plural}
Las fundaciones afiliadas a los partidos políticos contribuyen a los debates sobre cuestiones políticas de interés general.
Foundations affiliated to political parties contribute to debates on political issues of general interest.

Context examples for "afiliadas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Entonces, comenzamos a buscar entre nuestras afiliadas y finalmente conseguimos la lista que queríamos y necesitábamos.
We therefore began searching through our membership, and we finally obtained the list we wanted and needed.
¿Por qué en las estructuras asociativas y federativas participan mayoritariamente hombres, a pesar de que cada vez son más las mujeres afiliadas a agrupaciones deportivas?
Why is it mainly men who are involved in club and association structures, even though more and more women are becoming members?
Entonces, comenzamos a buscar entre nuestras afiliadas y finalmente conseguimos la lista que queríamos y necesitábamos.
Madam President, I am able to support what Mrs Dybkjær has said about gender equality, so I shall instead use my speaking time to talk about a genuine success where such equality is concerned.