
"socialdemocracia" in English

"socialdemocracia" in English
Es una victoria de la socialdemocracia aliada con el ultraliberalismo económico.
This is a victory for social democracy, won over to economic ultraliberalism.
La socialdemocracia está a favor de ello, no tenemos miedo a las reformas.
That is what Social Democracy stands for - we are not afraid of reforms.
Ambos proceden de la socialdemocracia y no están dispuestos a asumir sus propuestas.
Both of them have their roots in social democracy and are not prepared to accept your proposals.

Context examples for "socialdemocracia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es una victoria de la socialdemocracia aliada con el ultraliberalismo económico.
This is a victory for social democracy, won over to economic ultraliberalism.
Esta es la posición que defiende con toda decisión la social-democracia alemana.
And that is very definitely the position of the German Social Democrats.
La socialdemocracia está a favor de ello, no tenemos miedo a las reformas.
That is what Social Democracy stands for - we are not afraid of reforms.
Eso no es lo que se supone que debe ser la socialdemocracia, tal como yo la conozco.
That is not what social democracy, as I know it, is meant to be.
Ambos proceden de la socialdemocracia y no están dispuestos a asumir sus propuestas.
Both of them have their roots in social democracy and are not prepared to accept your proposals.
Ello se ha hecho considerando que el informe contiene algunas buenas causas de cartel de la socialdemocracia.
The reason for this is that the report contains many good social democratic characteristics.
Eso no es lo que se supone que debe ser la socialdemocracia, tal como yo la conozco.
I have met people individually and collectively and at committees and they have given me very good ideas as to what we should do.
Me alegra que la socialdemocracia alemana mantenga una actitud muy abierta ante las propuestas provenientes de Baviera.
I am pleased that the German Social Democrats are also very receptive to the proposals from Bavaria.
La Cumbre de Niza es un fracaso para la Presidencia francesa y más particularmente para la socialdemocracia europea.
The Nice Summit is a failure for the French Presidency and, more particularly, for European social democrats.
Como sueca, me sentí decepcionada por la incapacidad de la socialdemocracia para conseguir resultados.
For me, as a Swede, it was disappointing that Swedish Social Democracy had not been able to deliver a result then and there.
Que la socialdemocracia checa al parecer tampoco sea perfecta, puede tomarse en este contexto como un consuelo.
The fact that Czech social democracy is apparently not perfect, either, might be considered comforting in the circumstances.
Hay que rechazar contentarse con esta Carta minimalista como parece resignarse la socialdemocracia europea.
We must refuse to be satisfied with this minimalist Charter to which the Social Democrats of Europe appear to have resigned themselves.
La social-democracia nos prometió que Europa dejaría de ser únicamente un mercado económico, una moneda y una máquina de liberalizar.
The Social Democrats promised us that Europe would cease to be just an economic market, a single currency and a liberalising machine.
Pero yo, y algunos de mis colegas de la socialdemocracia sueca nos abstendremos de votar en lo relativo a los informes Metten, Christodoulou y Herman.
I myself and a number of my colleagues from the Swedish Social Democratic Party will nevertheless abstain on the Metten, Christodoulou and Herman reports.
Y, en materia preventiva, quieren, dulcificar, romper las reglas, hasta tal punto que —como ha dicho alguna fuente de la socialdemocracia alemana— no haya reglas en absoluto.
In terms of prevention, they want to slacken and break the rules to the point where – as one German Social Democrat has said – there are no absolute rules.
Esto no cambia en nada mi crítica a la doble moral de la socialdemocracia austríaca, que también ayer se hiciera evidente en su comportamiento al votar.
This does not in any way change my critical attitude towards the double standards of the Austrian Social Democratic movement, which were also plain to see yesterday in the way its Members voted.
Y la oposición abarca desde los comunistas democráticos hasta la democracia cristiana, pasando por la socialdemocracia, en un marco de ausencia de libertad, como he dicho repetidamente.
The opposition ranges from democratic communists to Christian democrats via social democrats, within a framework of a lack of freedom, as I have said repeatedly.
Por ello, la socialdemocracia tiene que ocuparse también de que no se pierda la solidaridad y el componente social de la modernización, privatización y liberalización.
So it must be the concern of Social Democrats that the opportunity to show solidarity, which is the social dimension of modernisation, privatisation and liberalisation, is not lost.
Durante más de 100 años la socialdemocracia ha luchado por el proyecto de un estado social redistributivo y solidario, y ahora está en primera línea dispuesta a echarlo abajo.
For more than a hundred years, social democracy has fought for a redistributive welfare state based on solidarity. Now it is at the forefront of the campaign to dismantle it.
Mañana aprobarán una Europa de las Naciones que se encuentra a medio camino entre la socialdemocracia y el gaullismo.
You are about to celebrate something which has nothing to do with Spinelli’s idea; tomorrow you will approve a Europe of Nations that lies between social democracy and Gaullism.