
"sobrepesca" in English

"sobrepesca" in English
Esta sobrepesca europea no se puede considerar un proceder razonable.
This sort of European overfishing cannot be thought of as a wise move.
Admitimos que hay sobrepesca y somos conscientes de que la causa es el exceso de capacidad.
We accept that there is overfishing and we acknowledge that this is due to overcapacity.
El problema de la sobrepesca y la pesca ilegal es internacional.
The problem of overfishing and illegal fishing is international.

Context examples for "sobrepesca" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La concentración de la flota en las zonas abiertas ha contribuido a la sobrepesca en algunos caladeros vulnerables.
Due to the fleet concentration in the open areas, vulnerable areas are being over-fished.
Durante algún tiempo se ha reconocido que la sobrecapacidad es el motor principal de la sobrepesca.
The measures to freeze and reduce fishing and farming capacity are a brand new and decisive component of the new plan.
En el decenio de 1980, el Gobierno canadiense fue advertido por los pescadores de la peligrosa sobrepesca del bacalao.
In the 1980s, the Canadian Government was warned by fishermen that cod was being dangerously overfished.
Las últimas estadísticas relativas a las poblaciones de peces en el Mediterráneo revelan una sobrepesca en más del 54 % de las poblaciones analizadas.
The latest statistics on fish stocks in the Mediterranean reveal that more than 54 per cent of stocks examined are overfished.
Por otra parte, nos parece igualmente indispensable que el coral rojo, que también es objeto de sobrepesca en el Mediterráneo, se incluya en el Anexo II de la CITES.
Furthermore, we also think it crucial that red coral, which is also overfished in the Mediterranean, be included in Annex II to the CITES.
Por tanto, no podemos desviar nuestro problema de sobrepesca a terceros países.
We must not simply try to shift this problem onto other countries, and we certainly must not make the mistake of exporting our system of poor fisheries management.
Algunas especies muestran claros síntomas de sobrepesca, y, a causa de la falta de regulación y de controles, los bosques se talan de forma ilegal e insostenible.
There are clear signs that many species of fish are being overfished, and a lack of regulation and control has resulted in forest being cut down illegally and unsustainably.
Lo que sabemos globalmente de los tiburones, que están, en todas partes en el mundo, totalmente amenazados, son objeto de una sobrepesca y sufren el deterioro del equilibrio marino.
What we know overall about sharks is that, throughout the world, they are totally endangered, overfished and that they are suffering from the deteriorating marine balance.