
"singer" in Spanish

You are a wonderful singer, Mrs Pleštinská.
Es usted una cantante excelente, señora Pleštinská.
The White Singer.
La cantante de blanco.
she wants to be a singer but her parents disapprove
quiere ser cantante pero sus padres desaprueban la idea
You are a wonderful singer, Mrs Pleštinská.
Es usted una cantante excelente, señora Pleštinská.
she wants to be a singer but her parents disapprove
quiere ser cantante pero sus padres desaprueban la idea
the resounding success of the singer in Brazil
el éxito clamoroso del cantante en Brasil
payador{m} [S. Cone]
intérprete{m} [mus.] (cantante)

Synonyms (English) for "singer":
Context examples for "singer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Her father was a composer and conductor, and her mother an opera singer.
“En el Cirque, se pide a los diseñadores que se arrojen ellos mismos al espacio vacío, como los acróbatas.
I'm a singer, so it's a given that I love music
soy cantante por lo que se da por sentado que me encanta la música
she wants to be a singer but her parents disapprove
quiere ser cantante pero a sus padres no les parece bien
she wants to be a singer but her parents disapprove
quiere ser cantante pero sus padres desaprueban la idea
a singer who disappeared from the scene after a couple of years
un cantante que se quemó en un par de años
his voice rivals that of the lead singer
su voz no tiene nada que envidiarle a la del cantante principal
In 2002, he worked with director Robert Lepage to design the lighting for British singer Peter Gabriel's world tour, Growing Up.
La excelencia de su trabajo lo ha hecho merecedor de muchos premios.
the singer really delivered the goods
la cantante estuvo a la altura de lo que se esperaba de ella
we are proud to present that great singer
tenemos el honor de presentarles al gran cantante …
Her father was a composer and conductor, and her mother an opera singer.
Su trabajo refleja la diversidad de sus influencias vitales, una fusión de estilos musicales inspirados en música popular de todo el mundo.
she's not a singer of the order of Ella Duncan
no es una cantante del calibre de Ella Duncan
Laur FugèreMontrealSinger – Vocal Coach.
Laur FugèreMontrealCantante – Profesora de canto.
the resounding success of the singer in Brazil
el éxito clamoroso del cantante en Brasil
they besieged the singer, firing questions at her
asediaron a la cantante con preguntas
a singer who is popular with young and old
un cantante que gusta a chicos y grandes
a new singer has just joined the group
un nuevo cantante acaba de sumarse al grupo
the singer appeals to younger audiences
el cantante atrae a un público más joven
singer weds childhood sweetheart
cantante se casa con su amor de la infancia
an internationally acclaimed singer
un cantante aclamado internacionalmente
I flatter myself on being a good singer
me considero un buen cantante