
"sine die" in English

"sine die" in English
"sine die" in Spanish
sine die{adverb}
No me sorprendería que en los próximos días u horas nos enteráramos de que ha sido aplazada sine die.
I would not be surprised if we were to learn in the coming days or hours that it has been postponed indefinitely.
La libre circulación de las personas, uno de los bienes supremos de la Comunidad Europea, se ve aplazada sine die.
Freedom of movement of persons - one of the greatest benefits that the European Community has to offer - is to be postponed indefinitely.
Es evidente que no podemos presentarnos sólo con una esperanza, sino con una adecuada política que imponga la firma del tratado que no puede aplazarse sine die.
Clearly we cannot turn up with mere aspirations, but must have a proper policy demanding that the treaty be signed and not postponed indefinitely.
sine die{adv.} [form.]
Con respecto al IVA, el paso al sistema definitivo de IVA, que tendría que haberse producido el 1 de enero de 1997, ha sido aplazado sine die.
As far as VAT is concerned, the switch to a final VAT system, due on 1 January 1997, has been put back sine die.
sine die{adverb}
sine die{adv.} [form.]
As far as VAT is concerned, the switch to a final VAT system, due on 1 January 1997, has been put back sine die.
Con respecto al IVA, el paso al sistema definitivo de IVA, que tendría que haberse producido el 1 de enero de 1997, ha sido aplazado sine die.

Context examples for "sine die" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me temo que debido a este proceder del Parlamento sólo ha aparcado sine die el tema.
I fear that Parliament's action has merely relegated the Statute to a kind of shunting yard.
La reforma institucional ha sido aplazada sine die.
Institutional reform has been put on the back burner, and there is no sign yet of agricultural reform.
Con ello, se dice al mismo tiempo a los candidatos que sus esfuerzos merecen la pena y que no se pueden aplazar sine die las cosas.
At the same time, this tells the candidates that their efforts are worthwhile and that nothing is being put off.
Con respecto al IVA, el paso al sistema definitivo de IVA, que tendría que haberse producido el 1 de enero de 1997, ha sido aplazado sine die.
As far as VAT is concerned, the switch to a final VAT system, due on 1 January 1997, has been put back sine die.
En caso contrario el peligro consiste en que el actual gobierno de Fidji continúe negociando sine die, sin llegar nunca a alcanzar un acuerdo.
Otherwise, the danger is the current government in Fiji will go on negotiating forever, but never come to a conclusion.
Señor Presidente, espero que el Consejo no vuelva a aplazar sine die esta importante comunicación, cuya primera piedra fue colocada por el antiguo Comisario Deus Pinheiro.
I hope that the Council will not once again shelve this important communication, inspired by former Commissioner Deus Pinheiro.