
"sinagoga" in English

"sinagoga" in English
Deberíamos recordar que la Sinagoga Neve Shalom fue objeto de un terrible ataque hace 17 años.
We should remember that the Neve Shalom Synagogue was the subject of a horrific attack 17 years ago.
Como es obvio, no podemos tener un policía en la puerta de cada iglesia, mezquita o sinagoga.
Of course, we cannot have a policeman standing in front of every church, mosque or synagogue.
La segunda – la sinagoga samaritana situada en Tel Iztabba- se encuentra fuera de la muralla de la ciudad bizantina.
The second – the Samaritan synagogue, located on Tel Iztabba – is situated outside the Byzantine city walls.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "sinagoga":
Context examples for "sinagoga" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me parece que debemos tener cuidado, señor Henderson, de no acabar en la situación de que en un momento dado nos veamos obligados a pedirle a Jesús que venga y desaloje la sinagoga.
Mr Henderson, I think we need to exercise care to avoid a situation whereby we have to ask Jesus to come and cast the money-changers out of the temple.