
"shoddily" in Spanish

"shoddily" in Spanish

Context examples for "shoddily" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is why I find it very regrettable that we in our Parliament treat this issue so shoddily.
Por ese motivo, encuentro muy lamentable que nuestro Parlamento trate esta cuestión de forma tan chapucera.
These are shoddily made goods, which literally plunder the intellectual property and technological skills of European companies with impunity.
Se trata de productos de muy mala calidad, que literalmente plagian la propiedad intelectual y los conocimientos tecnológicos de las empresas europeas con impunidad.
I assume that you are talking to Germany in this regard, as there needs to be a fundamental investigation into how everything could have been handled so shoddily.
Asumo que usted está hablando con Alemania al respecto, ya que hace falta una investigación fundamental al respecto para saber cómo se ha podido gestionar todo de una forma tan chapucera.