
"servidos" in English

"servidos" in English
servidos{adjective masculine plural}
servidos{adjective masculine plural}
es de buena educación esperar a que todos estén servidos
it is polite to wait till everyone is served
Y serán servidos por jóvenes inmortales: viéndolos, te parecerían perlas esparcidas;
And they will be served by youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls.
que ser servidos (cf.
people and wish to serve rather than be served (cf.

Context examples for "servidos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por consiguiente, suponemos que también serán servidos de manera tan rápida como sea posible.
We are assuming that they will also be delivered as quickly as possible.
Y serán servidos por jóvenes inmortales: viéndolos, te parecerían perlas esparcidas;
And they will be served by youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls.
Serán servidos por jóvenes inmortales
Round about them shall serve youths of permanent freshness (immortal or never altering in age),
es de buena educación esperar a que todos estén servidos
it is polite to wait till everyone is served
que ser servidos (cf.
people and wish to serve rather than be served (cf.
En este sentido, los países en vías de desarrollo están mejor servidos con un acceso preferencial al mercado de la UE que un comercio libre y desenfrenado.
In this respect, developing countries are better served by preferential market access to the EU than unbridled free trade.
[Y allí] serán servidos en fuentes y copas de oro; y habrá allí cuanto las almas deseen, y [todo lo que] sea deleite para los ojos.
There shall be sent round to them golden plates and cups and therein shall be all that their souls desire, and delights the eyes, and you shall abide therein.