
"semestralmente" in English

Sin embargo, es una política que suele fijarse en las reuniones ministeriales semestrales.
However, it is a policy that tends to be set at the biannual ministerial meetings.
Evaluación semestral del diálogo UE-Belarús (debate)
Bi-annual evaluation of the EU-Belarus dialogue (debate)
Evaluación semestral del diálogo UE-Belarús (votación)
Bi-annual evaluation of the EU Belarus dialogue (vote)
El día 23, durante la 78 Asamblea semestral de la Unión de Superiores Generales que se celebra en Roma en estos días, Fr.
On November 23, during the Semestral Assembly of the Union of Superior Generals held in Rome, Br.
A este fin, el Parlamento será informado antes de la celebración de cada Consejo Ministerial semestral de la Comunidad de la Energía Europea.
To this effect, Parliament will be informed in advance of each semi-annual Ministerial Council of the European Energy Community.
Los pagos estructurados pueden ser mensuales, trimestrales, o semestrales, incluyendo pagos escalonados o carencia inicial.
Structured payments could include monthly, quarterly, or semiannual payment dates, including ramped or skipped payments.
Quisiera que se realizara un informe semestral sobre esta cuestión.
I should like to be issued with half-yearly reports on the state of affairs in terms of compliance with legislation.
En lo que se refiere al informe Alber, ya hemos informado al Parlamento en nuestro informe semestral.
As regards the Alber report, we have already briefed the House in our half-yearly report.
En cada evaluación anual o semestral tal como proponemos, se desprende que la jerarquía de los estados ha cambiado nuevamente.
During each half-yearly, or as we suggest, yearly evaluation it might turn out that the order of states has changed yet again.
Bélgica asume la Presidencia semestral del Consejo de la Unión Europea.
Belgium takes on its six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Dinamarca asume la Presidencia semestral rotatoria del Consejo de la UE.
Denmark takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.
Hungría asume la Presidencia semestral rotatoria del Consejo de la UE.
Hungary takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.
Por supuesto, para ustedes esta es una rutina semestral.
For you, of course, this is a six-monthly routine.
Por supuesto, el principio de rotación semestral de la Presidencia de la Unión deberá alterarse.
Of course, the principle of the six-monthly rotation of the Presidency of the Union will have to be changed.
Señor Presidente, hay algo de repetitivo en nuestros debates semestrales.
Mr President, there is something repetitive about our six-monthly debate.

Context examples for "semestralmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Consejo comprueba semestralmente el cumplimiento de los requisitos que allí se plantean.
Twice a year the Council examines whether the requirements set in that respect have been fulfilled.
La Comisión, sin embargo, no estuvo dispuesta a modificar su propuesta, basada en los resultados presentados en el llamado informe TBR, que la Comisión elabora semestralmente.
The Commission was not immediately willing to alter its proposal, which was based upon the results worked out in what is known as the TBR report, drawn up by the Commission every six months.