
"self-employed worker" in Spanish

"self-employed worker" in English

Similar translations for "self-employed worker" in Spanish
Context examples for "self-employed worker" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In other words, risks caused by the self-employed worker which they are not protected from.
Es decir, riesgos provocados del autónomo pero no protegidos.
As a self-employed worker legally established in any EU country, you have the right to work in another EU country at any time.
Como trabajador autónomo legalmente establecido en cualquier país de la UE, tienes derecho en todo momento a trabajar en otro país de la UE.
It is important for people in Europe to be able to decide how they want to work - whether as an employee or as a self-employed worker.
Es importante que los ciudadanos de Europa puedan decidir cómo quieren trabajar, si desean hacerlo por cuenta ajena o por cuenta propia.
A self-employed worker cannot in fact be forced to do extra hours insofar as he is, by definition, free to organise his own work as he wishes.
Un trabajador autónomo, de hecho, no puede ser obligado a hacer horas extras dado que es, por definición, libre de organizar su trabajo como le plazca.