
"seething" in Spanish

"seething" in Spanish
to seethe{intransitive verb}
hervoroso{adj.} (líquido)
hervoroso{adj.} (de actividad)
The Middle East can be depicted as a pressure cooker, in which the water is bubbling and seething.
La situación en Oriente Próximo se podría describir como una olla a presión, en la que el agua bulle y borbotea.

Context examples for "seething" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ireland's electorate has accepted severe austerity through gritted teeth and seething anger.
El electorado irlandés ha aceptado una severa austeridad a regañadientes y con creciente rabia.
The Czech media are nonetheless seething with doubts.
Los medios de comunicación checos están, no obstante, llenos de dudas.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, we must be aware of the fact that there is seething unrest in the Caucasus.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, debemos ser totalmente conscientes de que en el Cáucaso la situación es candente.
the square was a seething mass of demonstrators
la plaza era un hervidero de manifestantes
He has succeeded in drafting a balanced report on this difficult subject, seething with passions but bereft of any objectivity.
En este difícil tema, lleno de pasión y con tan poca objetividad, él ha sabido hacer un informe equilibrado.
the town was seething with tourists
la ciudad estaba plagada de turistas
the street was a seething mass of people
la calle parecía un hervidero
inside he's seething with envy
por dentro está que patalea de envidia
her mind was seething with images
las imágenes bullían en su cerebro
she was seething with rage
estaba que reventaba de rabia
I was absolutely seething
me hervía la sangre
I was absolutely seething
estaba que ardía
I was absolutely seething
estaba furioso
The two sides have to be kept apart, but the normal constraints of morality, self-discipline and the rule of law have been drowned in a seething reservoir of hatred and revenge.
Hay que separar a las dos partes, pero las limitaciones normales que imponen la moralidad, la autodisciplina y el Estado de derecho han quedado anegadas en un agitado recipiente de odio y venganza.