
"sea buckthorn" in Spanish

"sea buckthorn" in Spanish

Similar translations for "sea buckthorn" in Spanish
Context examples for "sea buckthorn" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A natural food supplement composed of green oats, nettle and sea buckthorn.
Un complemento alimenticio natural compuesto d'extracto de avena verde, de ortiga y de argousier.
Discovering synergy between Oat and Nettle and then Sea Buckthorn a new product, EXSATIVA was born.
EXSATIVA naci� de la descubierta del efecto de sinerg�a con l'ortiga y el argousier.
Besides being rich in Vitamin C, sea buckthorn also contains Beta Carotene, Vitamins B1, B2, B6, E and organic acids.
El argousier contiene tambi�n b�ta Carot�ne, vitaminas B1, B2, B6 y E, y acidos org�nicos.
The substances contained in sea buckthorn slow down the aging process and protect against radiation.
Las substancias ofrecidas por el argousier disminuyen el envejecimiento y protegen de los efectos de radiaci�n.
EXSATIVA is a combination of natural substances based on green oat, nettle and the fruit of sea buckthorn.
EXSATIVA es una combinaci�n de substancias naturales a base de avena verde, d'ortiga y del fruto de argousier.
The healing potential of sea buckthorn is wide ranging.
El potencial m�dico del argousier es ancho.
Thus the synergetic action of the flavonoids of oats with the vitamin C of sea buckthorn helps increase the permeability of the arteries.
As� la action sinergica de los flavono�des de la avena y de la vitamina C de l'argousier aumenta la permeabilidad de las arterias
Another example of synergism is the joint action of the silicon contained in oats with the vitamin C of sea buckthorn.
AUn otro ejemplo de sinergia es la acci�n conjunta de la s�lice, de la avena y de la vitamina C de l'argousier sobre la flexibilidad de la pared de las arterias.
Thanks to the complementarity of these vegetal substances, found in oats, nettle and sea buckthorn, a pronounced effect of synergy is obtained.
Gracia a la complementaridad entre esas tres substancias vegetales - aplicada en proporci�ns adecuadas, un efecto pronunciado de sinergia puede ser obtenido.
Sea buckthorn has proven to be effective against physical weakness, headaches, lack of appetite and concentration and against mental exhaustion.
El argousier se ha mostrado eficaz contra la debilidad f�sica, los dolores de cabeza, la falta de apetito, los problemas de concentraci�n y el cansancio mental.