
"saber a" in English

"saber a" in English

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Context examples for "saber a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los ciudadanos podrán hacer saber a la Unión Europea lo que piensan de su trabajo.
Citizens will be able to let the European Union know what they think of its work.
Hemos votado sobre un punto, a saber, sobre el debate de los precios agrícolas.
We agreed on one point, and that was the discussion about agricultural prices.
Sólo veo una solución, a saber, aceptar la prórroga de la fecha límite un año más.
I see only one solution, namely to accept the deadline extension by one more year.
Quisiera saber si volverá a tratar la cuestión de la resolución sobre Haití.
I would like to know whether you will be coming back to the resolution on Haiti.
Estamos de acuerdo con ello, pero,¿debemos hacérselo saber a todo el mundo?
We are all agreed on this, but should we be sharing this with the entire world?
Debo decirle también que contamos con otro instrumento, a saber, el artículo 86.
I should also tell you that we have another instrument, namely Article 86.
Eso se tratará en un contexto diferente, a saber, el debate sobre el propio futuro.
That will be dealt with in a different context - the debate about the future itself.
Sabemos en qué consisten los fallos reales de la legislación comunitaria, a saber:
Secondly, we know what the flaws in Community legislation actually relate to, namely:
El segundo hito reviste una gran importancia política, a saber, el mercado interior.
The second milestone is of major importance politically, namely the internal market.
El público tiene derecho a saber lo que come y a decidir en consecuencia.
People have the right to know what they eat and make their choices accordingly.
Mis conciudadanos están interesados en dos aspectos, a saber, el precio y la calidad.
My fellow citizens are interested in two criteria, namely price and quality.
Necesitamos urgentemente saber qué medidas va a adoptar la Comisión contra los franceses.
We need urgently to know what steps the Commission is taking against the French.
No obstante, el objetivo, a saber la Unión Europea, debe permanecer claramente visible.
Nevertheless, the goal, namely the European Union, should be clearly visible.
En particular, no tenemos ningún medio de saber quién tiene acceso a esos datos.
In particular, we have no way of knowing who has access to these data.
Vamos a saber quién pertenece a cada comité y cuándo se celebran las reuniones.
We are to know who is on each committee. We are to know when they meet.
Sin embargo, tres enmiendas -a saber, las enmiendas núms. 26, 27 y 28- son nuevas.
Three amendments, however, namely Amendments Nos 26, 27 and 28, are new.
Hay algo peor que un monopolio público, a saber, el monopolio privado.
There is one thing worse than a public monopoly, and that is a private monopoly.
Lo que ha hecho ahora el Consejo, a saber, prohibir sólamente, no ayuda nada.
What the Council has done now, that is, just banning, is no help at all.
Queremos ir un paso más allá, a saber, introducir un permiso de paternidad de dos semanas.
We want to go one step further, namely to introduce two weeks of paternity leave.
Disponemos de los instrumentos necesarios, a saber, los Fondos Estructurales.
We have the necessary tools at our disposal today, by which I mean the Structural Funds.