
"reoccurrence" in Spanish

"reoccurrence" in Spanish

Context examples for "reoccurrence" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Folic acid had a significant protective effect for reoccurrence (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.60).
El ácido fólico tuvo un efecto protector significativo para la recurrencia (CR 0,32; IC del 95%: 0,17 a 0,60).
"Recurrence" of an illness, in the narrower sense, its reoccurrence following complete healing.
desaparición paulatina de los síntomas crónicos
It would be tragic if there was a re-occurrence of what happened last time, when there was a delay of seven months.
Sería, desde luego, lamentable que se reprodujera lo que ocurrió la vez anterior, en la que hubo un retraso de siete meses.
I would like to ask the Commissioner what he plans to do with regard to preventing the re-occurrence of this situation because, until now, I have no idea what he intends.
Yo quiero preguntarle al Comisario qué tiene previsto hacer para evitar que se reproduzca esta situación porque, hasta el momento, lo ignoro.
However, many other steps need to be taken to prevent the reoccurrence of the truly immoral situations that have arisen in the recent past.
Sin embargo, hace falta adoptar muchas otras medidas para evitar que se vuelvan a producir situaciones realmente inmorales como las que se han producido en el pasado reciente.
You must make clear that Europe has a right and an obligation, and that our vision of the social market economy is the solution to this crisis, and to preventing its reoccurrence.
Hagan saber que Europa tiene el derecho y la obligación, y que nuestra visión sobre la economía social de mercado es la solución a esta crisis, y para que no se repita en el futuro.