
"regional council" in Spanish

"regional council" in English

Context examples for "regional council" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The North Sea Regional Advisory Council was heavily involved in this.
El Consejo Consultivo Regional del Mar del Norte ha participado mucho en esta iniciativa.
Of these, the rapporteur emphasises the North Sea Regional Advisory Council.
Entre dichas organizaciones, el ponente destaca el Consejo Consultivo Regional del Mar del Norte.
Neither the Land Commission nor the Regional Council were functioning.
Ni la comisión nacional ni el consejo regional funcionan.
There is a chance that a Regional Council will be established.
Existe la opción de que se establezca un Consejo Regional.
Let me start by trying to clear the air with regard to the North Sea Regional Advisory Council.
Permítanme comenzar intentando aclarar las cosas respecto del Consejo Consultivo Regional del Mar del Norte.
The North Sea Regional Advisory Council is of the same opinion and therefore I shall not be proposing that it starts in 2007.
El Consejo Consultivo Regional del Mar del Norte opina lo mismo y, por tanto, no voy a proponer la puesta en marcha del sistema en 2007.
However, we would certainly have no problem with Member State authorities consulting the Regional Advisory Council, on a voluntary basis, concerning such plans.
La delegación ha participado, ayer y hoy, en la séptima reunión del Consejo de Cooperación UE-Armenia.
I am also delighted that this network has now been given its rightful place in the regional advisory council for the North Sea.
Me siento además encantado de que se haya concedido a esta red el lugar que le corresponde en el Consejo Consultivo Regional del Mar del Norte.
Both questions were extensively dealt with during the informal Regional Policy Council which was held recently in Namur on 13 July last.
Ambas preguntas salieron ampliamente a relucir durante el Consejo informal de Política Regional del pasado 13 de julio celebrado en Namur.
Moreover, Montenegro is home to the new workgroup on culture and society of the Regional Cooperation Council, the Cetinje Parliamentary Forum.
Asimismo, Montenegro es la sede del nuevo grupo de trabajo sobre cultura y sociedad del Consejo de Cooperación Regional, el Foro Parlamentario de Cetinje.
The national government and the new regional council have shouldered their responsibilities and have the political determination to resolve the crisis.
El gobierno nacional y la nueva junta regional han asumido sus responsabilidades y cuentan con la determinación política para resolver la crisis.
The regional council, which has been in place for only a few months, has already drawn up the hazardous waste plan and the plan on the integrated waste system.
La Junta regional, constituida hace pocos meses, ha elaborado un plan sobre residuos peligrosos y un plan sobre el sistema integrado de gestión de residuos.
However, if any changes are proposed after this review, they need to be discussed with the Pelagic Regional Advisory Council and the European Parliament.
No obstante, si se propone algún cambio después de la revisión, deberá ser discutido con el Consejo Consultivo Regional de las Poblaciones Pelágicas y con el Parlamento Europeo.
Thirdly, Bruno Gollnisch has given an explanation of the publication of the incriminated press release by his political group in the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council.
En tercer lugar, Bruno Gollnisch ha dado una explicación de la publicación del comunicado de prensa incriminado por su grupo político del Consejo Regional de Ródano-Alpes.
The regional Council of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais stated in May 10th that a centre for the Arab world (IMA) would be soon to be established at the end of the year 2011 in Tourcoing.
El consejo regional del Nord-Pas-de-Calais indicó el 10 de mayo que se establecería un centro del Instituto del Mundo Árabe (IMA) a finales de 2011 en Tourcoing.
However, we would certainly have no problem with Member State authorities consulting the Regional Advisory Council, on a voluntary basis, concerning such plans.
Sin embargo, no tendríamos ningún problema en que las autoridades de los Estados miembros consultaran a los Consejos Consultivos Regionales, de forma voluntaria, acerca de dichos planes.
If we are to accept this sort of approach, I think we will need a formal Council of Regional Planning Ministers, although I suspect that this will also be the most we are likely to achieve.
Para ratificar este tipo de asuntos me parece necesario un Consejo de Ministros de Ordenación del Territorio. Pero eso es además lo máximo que se puede alcanzar, supongo.
The Commission services will meet with the North-Western Waters Regional Advisory Council and scientists on Friday, 7April 2006, where we will discuss those possibilities.
Los servicios de la Comisión se reunirán con el Consejo Consultivo Regional de las Aguas del Noroeste y con científicos el viernes, 7de abril de 2006, donde debatiremos estas posibilidades.
The Commission services will meet with the North-Western Waters Regional Advisory Council and scientists on Friday, 7 April 2006, where we will discuss those possibilities.
Los servicios de la Comisión se reunirán con el Consejo Consultivo Regional de las Aguas del Noroeste y con científicos el viernes, 7 de abril de 2006, donde debatiremos estas posibilidades.
Several other members of the EUROMEDINCULTURE(s) network had the opportunity to take part in this big public debate, thanks to the support of the Languedoc-Roussillon regional Council.
Numerosos miembros europeos y mediterráneos de la red EUROMEDINCULTURE(s) pudieron formar parte de este gran debate público, gracias al apoyo del Consejo Regional Languedoc-Roussillon.