
"reconcilable" in Spanish

"reconcilable" in Spanish
reconciliable{adj. m/f}
I believe that this concern of Slovenia's is perfectly reconcilable with Croatian interests.
Creo que esta demanda de Eslovenia es perfectamente reconciliable con los intereses de Croacia.
If that is the reason why they are on a track that is not reconcilable with the European Union, they cannot expect this to change in the short term.
Si esa es la razón por la que se encuentran en un camino que no es reconciliable con la Unión Europea, no pueden esperar que esto cambie a corto plazo.
conciliable{adj. m/f}
We must concern ourselves with this; but we must also concern ourselves with the general objectives, which are not always or not all equally reconcilable.
Debemos ocuparnos de ello, pero debemos tener asimismo en cuenta el conjunto de los objetivos, y no siempre son conciliables de la misma forma.

Context examples for "reconcilable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Are preventive sanctions reconcilable with the Charter of Human Rights?
¿Son compatibles con la Carta de los Derechos Humanos las sanciones preventivas?
I therefore believe that your Amendment No 11 and my Amendment No 17 are perfectly reconcilable.
Creo, por tanto, que su enmienda 11 y mi enmienda 17 son perfectamente compatibles.
Is the call for violent demonstrations reconcilable with the Charter of Fundamental Rights?
¿Es compatible con la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales la llamada a manifestaciones violentas?
Would a right of veto on the part of the President-in-Office of the Council, in respect of the formation of national governments, be reconcilable with the Charter of Fundamental Rights?
¿Sería compatible con la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales un derecho de veto del Presidente del Consejo ante las formaciones de Gobiernos nacionales?
There is constantly a tension that is not always easily reconcilable between respect for human rights and other national interests (perhaps of a military or economic nature).
Siempre existe un conflicto, no siempre fácil de conciliar, entre el respeto por los derechos humanos y otros intereses nacionales (tal vez de carácter militar o económico).