
"quirk" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "quirk":
Context examples for "quirk" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
by a quirk of fate
por uno de esos caprichos del destino
a statistical quirk
una anomalía estadística
I stress this because Montenegro is always wrongly dismissed as an example of a superfluous tiny land that suddenly found itself independent by a quirk of fate.
Subrayo esto porque Montenegro siempre se rechaza equivocadamente como ejemplo de territorio diminuto y superfluo que un buen día se hizo independiente por un capricho del destino.
This matter of fisheries brings to light an institutional quirk which may help to explain the apparent weakness of the Union in the day-to-day handling of its problems.
Con motivo de este asunto de la pesca descubrimos un absurdo institucional que puede contribuir a explicar la aparente debilidad de la Unión en la gestión cotidiana de sus problemas.