
"probablemente" in English

"probablemente" in English
Son los que más probablemente creerán las medias verdades y las distorsiones.
They are the ones who are most likely to believe half-truths and distortions.
Sin embargo, los recién llegados probablemente tienen que cumplir unas rígidas demandas.
Newcomers, however, are now likely to have to meet stiff demands.
Las incidencias con la configuración de búsqueda se deben probablemente a las cookies del navegador.
Issues with your search settings are likely caused by problems with your browser cookies.
Este probablemente no sea el caso, y la investigación policial no ha concluido.
That is probably not the case, and the police investigation is not complete.
Probablemente nadie saldrá ganando, pero seguro que habrá quienes salgan perdiendo.
There will probably be no winners, but there will certainly be losers.
Una nueva sentencia significará probablemente su ejecución moral y política.
A new sentence will probably mean their moral and political execution.

Context examples for "probablemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Probablemente éste sea el mayor reto en la historia de la diplomacia internacional.
This is perhaps the hardest challenge in the history of international diplomacy.
Parecen las« minutas» probablemente de la Internacional Socialista probablemente.
They could almost be the minutes of a meeting of the Socialist International.
El Convenio entrará probablemente en vigor en 1997, o a lo largo de este año.
The convention is expected to come into force in 1997 or, possibly, this year.
Probablemente, ésa será la tarea del Parlamento Europeo y de sus diputados.
Presumably, that will be the task of the European Parliament and its Members.
Probablemente hayas observado que Windows Messenger no está incluido en Windows7.
You might have noticed that Windows Messenger isn't included in Windows7.
De estos, probablemente las dos partes de la industria son quizás lo más relevante.
Of these, the two sides of industry are perhaps the most important of all.
En el caso de los diputados veteranos probablemente se estén empezando a dar cuenta.
Presumably it is slowly starting to resurface in the minds of longer-serving Members.
Podría habernos contado que probablemente tenga que moderar algunos debates.
You could have told us that you would have to curtail some of the debates.
Probablemente podamos seguir trabajando desde el martes a media noche hasta las 8.30.
We might as well start at midnight on Tuesday and work right through until 8.30 a. m.
La respuesta probablemente será: justicia, responsabilidad y democracia.
The answer will presumably be security, justice, accountability and democracy.
Es algo nuevo y creo que debemos acostumbrarnos a ello y probablemente no será sencillo.
That is new and I think we need to get used to it, which may not be so simple.
Lo que se está haciendo es probablemente muy importante pero continúa siendo insuficiente.
What is being done may well be very important, but it is still not sufficient.
Por supuesto, el funcionario responsable en 1990 está probablemente jubilado.
Admittedly, the official responsible in 1990 may well be in retirement.
Las necesidades de los Estados miembros serán probablemente muy diferentes.
The committee has, however, been even more realistic than the Commission.
Además, creo que probablemente surgirán problemas cuando se desarrollen los anexos.
Furthermore, I think that problems could well occur when the annexes are further detailed.
Probablemente, el método decisorio establecido en los Tratados es el correcto.
In all likelihood, the method of decision-making laid down in the treaties is the right one.
Ahora tenemos un acuerdo en segunda lectura que probablemente todos podamos apoyar.
Mr President, on behalf of the Socialist Group, I would also like to congratulate Mr Lange.
El Erika I ha sido seguido del Erika II y probablemente vendrán más.
Erika I has been succeeded by Erika II, and there is presumably more to come.
Lo hará, probablemente, en cualquier caso, porque, si se celebran, perderá las elecciones.
He will do so anyway because, even if the elections are held, he will lose.
En resumen, me parece todo un ejercicio teórico y a menudo probablemente inútil.
In short, it all seems to me to be a theoretical exercise which may well often prove pointless.