
"privativa" in English

"privativa" in English
{adjective feminine}
{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "privativa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Dini ha manifestado asimismo que la política de empleo es, ante todo, privativa de la política nacional.
Mr Dini also said that employment policy was above all the prerogative of the Member States.
La PESC es privativa del Consejo.
The Council has sole responsibility for the CFSP.
es función privativa del rey
it is the exclusive right of the king
Yorongar, tenía a las 9, 30 una citación judicial y fue condenado a la prolongación de su pena privativa de libertad.
The colleague from Chad, Mr Yorongar, had a court appointment at 9.30 a.m. and was given an extended prison sentence.
Yorongar, tenía a las 9, 30 una citación judicial y fue condenado a la prolongación de su pena privativa de libertad.
The colleague from Chad, Mr Yorongar, had a court appointment at 9.30 a. m. and was given an extended prison sentence.
es función privativa del rey
it is the king's prerogative
Esto no significa a priori otra cosa que se socializa el alto riesgo de sufrir pérdidas y se privativa la obtención de ganancias.
It follows that this simply means keeping higher loss risks in the private sector and reserving high-profit areas for the private sector.
una condena privativa de libertad
a custodial sentence
una condena privativa de libertad
a prison sentence
Asimismo, el ponente sugiere que el Estado de emisión no pueda imponer una pena privativa de libertad como alternativa al decomiso.
The rapporteur also suggests that the issuing state should be prohibited from imposing a custodial sentence as an alternative to confiscation.
Apoyo, en particular, las disposiciones relativas al derecho aplicable a la pena sustitutiva privativa de libertad y a la reducción o condonación de la sanción pecuniaria.
I particularly endorse the provisions relating to the law to be applied, alternative custodial penalties and the amnesty, pardon or commutation of financial penalties.
No es una opción arbitraria de política de partido, sino, por encima de todo, una cuestión moral por la que debemos condenar sin reservas la privativa y opresiva dictadura comunista.
It is no arbitrary party political option but above all a moral question for us to condemn unambiguously the disenfranchising, oppressive Communist dictatorship.