
"preservative" in Spanish

preservativo{m} [SAm.] (conservante)
conservante{m} [chem.]
However, in the EU it is commonly used as a preservative in "family" hair shampoos.
No obstante, en la UE es utilizado comúnmente como conservante en champús "familiares".
However, in the EU it is commonly used as a preservative in " family " hair shampoos.
No obstante, en la UE es utilizado comúnmente como conservante en champús " familiares ".
Merthiolate, which contains mercury, is used as a preservative in some medicines, including in vaccines.
El mertiolato, que contiene mercurio, se emplea como conservante en algunos medicamentos, inclusive en vacunas.

Context examples for "preservative" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I would also extend the awareness of the dangers of mercury to include the fact that it is used as a convenient industrial preservative that needs to be replaced.
A diferencia de muchos de los oradores que me han precedido, no es mi intención ver la botella medio vacía; quiero verla medio llena y felicitarle por sus esfuerzos.