
"preponderantly" in Spanish

"preponderantly" in English
{intransitive verb}
Studies of the prison population show a clear preponderance of uneducated, unemployed, drug-addicted, young men.
Los estudios de la población penitenciaria revelan una clara preponderancia de hombres jóvenes, sin instrucción, sin empleo y toxicómanos.
preponderance of evidence
preponderancia de la prueba
However, it remains unclear how the subsidiary priorities will be defined, and also how the preponderance of each discipline within them will be determined.
Ahora bien, sigue sin estar claro cómo se definirán las prioridades subsidiarias ni cómo se determinará la preponderancia de cada disciplina incluida en las mismas.
preponderante{adj. m/f} [form.]
On a political level, within the framework of the new partnership between Europe and Asia, Japan can indeed play a preponderant role.
En el plano político, en el marco de las nuevas relaciones comerciales entre Europa y Asia, Japón puede tener un papel preponderante.
With three representatives each from the Commission, Parliament and the partner countries, the Member States would still be preponderant.
Si la Comisión, el Parlamento y los países asociados aportan cada uno tres representantes, los Estados miembros seguirían ocupando una posición preponderante.

Synonyms (English) for "preponderantly":
Context examples for "preponderantly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, in former times, countries were preponderantly rural and cities were the exception.
Se trata de compartir buenas prácticas entre Estados miembros y autoridades locales.