
"populated area" in Spanish

"populated area" in English

Similar translations for "populated area" in Spanish
Context examples for "populated area" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The incident in question is particularly dramatic, and utterly scandalous, as it took place in a densely-populated area.
El incidente en cuestión es especialmente dramático y totalmente escandaloso porque tuvo lugar en una zona densamente poblada.
Imagine the effects of it happening in a highly populated area, for example near a US base in central Europe.
Imaginemos los efectos si se hubiese producido en una zona densamente poblada, por ejemplo cerca de una base estadounidense en Europa Central.
a very sparsely populated area
una zona muy poco poblada
thinly populated area
área de espesura baja
Of course, I repeat that the way in which the sludge is transported through a densely populated area to the landfill is not right.
Por último, todavía no se ha seleccionado al contratista para secar los lodos residuales en Psitalia, aunque han pasado dos años desde agosto de 2003.