
"polling station" in Spanish

Anger was defused because it was agreed that one polling station in each community could stay open until complaints were investigated.
Se consiguió superar la indignación dejando abierto un colegio electoral en cada comunidad hasta que se investigaran las denuncias.
In Zimbabwe that could mean not only taking risks but also walking for miles to a polling station and queuing for hours.
En Zimbabwe eso podía significar no solo correr riesgos, sino caminar unas cuantas millas hasta el colegio electoral y hacer colas durante horas.
In St Petersburg, a reporter of Grazhdansky Golos was detained by the militsiya for 'being in a polling station without authorisation'.
En San Petersburgo, una reportera de Grazhdansky Golos fue detenida por la milicia rusa por "encontrarse en un colegio electoral sin autorización".

Synonyms (English) for "polling station":
Context examples for "polling station" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In Zimbabwe that could mean not only taking risks but also walking for miles to a polling station and queuing for hours.
Me gustaría que quienes desdeñan las votaciones y la democracia representativa pudieran ver, al menos una vez, colas como aquellas.
In Zimbabwe that could mean not only taking risks but also walking for miles to a polling station and queuing for hours.
En Zimbabwe eso podía significar no solo correr riesgos, sino caminar unas cuantas millas hasta el colegio electoral y hacer colas durante horas.
Anger was defused because it was agreed that one polling station in each community could stay open until complaints were investigated.
Se consiguió superar la indignación dejando abierto un colegio electoral en cada comunidad hasta que se investigaran las denuncias.
In St Petersburg, a reporter of Grazhdansky Golos was detained by the militsiya for 'being in a polling station without authorisation'.
En San Petersburgo, una reportera de Grazhdansky Golos fue detenida por la milicia rusa por "encontrarse en un colegio electoral sin autorización".
In one polling station which closed at 11.00 p.m., I myself insisted that counting should not start until the last person present had voted.
En un colegio electoral que cerró a las 23 horas, yo mismo solicité que no se iniciara el escrutinio antes de que la última persona presente hubiese votado.
In one polling station which closed at 11.00 p. m., I myself insisted that counting should not start until the last person present had voted.
En un colegio electoral que cerró a las 23 horas, yo mismo solicité que no se iniciara el escrutinio antes de que la última persona presente hubiese votado.