
"policiaco" in English

"policiaco" in English
Señor Presidente, antes de entrar en el Parlamento era lector asiduo de novelas policíacas y me gustan las series y las películas policíacas en la televisión.
Mr President, before I became a Member of Parliament, I was an avid reader of detective novels, and I like to watch crime series and films on television.
Señor Presidente, antes de entrar en el Parlamento era lector asiduo de novelas policíacas y me gustan las series y las películas policíacas en la televisión.
Mr President, before I became a Member of Parliament, I was an avid reader of detective novels, and I like to watch crime series and films on television.
Por último, quiero decir que antes de llegar aquí, leía muchísimas novelas policíacas, ahora leo nuestro informe anual y veo razonablemente cubierta mi necesidad de suspense.
Finally, I would say that, until I came down here, I used to read an incredible number of detective novels, and now that I read our annual reports I find that my need for excitement is satisfied.

Context examples for "policiaco" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En torno a esta Cumbre se llevó a cabo una represión digna de un Estado policiaco.
The Summit was surrounded by repression worthy of a police state.
Esto es fundamental pues, de lo contrario, el régimen policíaco no desaparecerá de allí.
That is essential, otherwise the police state will not disappear.
Desde entonces reina allí un régimen policíaco brutal.
Since then they have been governed by a brutal police regime.
Por último: se ha hablado de un Estado policiaco.
My final point: people have talked about a police state.
Esto es lo contrario de un Estado policiaco.
Secondly, these proposals are about networks.
Esto es lo contrario de un Estado policiaco.
This is the opposite of a police state.
Ya antes de la transferencia del poder a los islamistas, Turquía era un Estado policíaco con rasgos de una dictadura militar.
Even before the passing of power to the Islamists, Turkey was a police state with some of the distinguishing marks of a military dictatorship.
Primero restó importancia al asunto y lo ocultó, y luego tuvo -al menos en algunos casos- una reacción exagerada, hasta el extremo de adoptar medidas propias de un Estado policiaco.
It first played the issue down and kept it under wraps and then - at least in some cases - overreacted, even taking measures appropriate to a police state.
La Comisión debe actuar para exigir la retirada del ejército, que está siendo utilizado sin una base legal adecuada como instrumento policiaco y de represión política.
The Commission should take steps to demand the withdrawal of the army, which is being used without a proper legal basis as a means of policing the public and of political repression.
Sin embargo, en realidad las posibilidades son muy escasas, ya que el Presidente Lukashenko, desde su elección en 1994, ha convertido el país en un Estado policiaco y en una falsa democracia.
However, in reality, the chances are very small, as President Lukashenko, since his election in 1994, has turned his country into a self-isolated police state and a sham democracy.
Estos dos incidentes reflejan que en la Unión Europea se está instaurando gradualmente un Estado policiaco, de acuerdo con el deseo de la clase dirigente de controlar totalmente a sus súbditos.
These two incidents show signs of a police state being gradually built up in the European Union, in line with the wish of the ruling class to exercise full control upon their subjects.