
"planeta Tierra" in English

"planeta Tierra" in English
planeta Tierra{masculine}
Cumbre« Planeta Tierra» de la SEAGNU
UNGASS Planet Earth summit
Esa tarea consiste en hacer participar a la nación más antigua y más grande del mundo en todos los asuntos del planeta Tierra en calidad de socio nuestro.
That task is to engage the oldest and largest nation on earth in all the affairs of the planet Earth as our partner.
Sus pueblos emprendieron valientemente la aventura de explorar el planeta Tierra, lo que dio lugar al descubrimiento de muchas ideas y sistemas.
Its people were valiantly engaged in the adventure of exploring the Planet Earth, resulting in the discovery of many ideas and systems.

Similar translations for "planeta Tierra" in English
Context examples for "planeta Tierra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si alguien de otro planeta observase la Tierra pensaría que la humanidad quiere destruirse a sí misma y no desea sobrevivir.
If someone from another planet were to look down on this earth, he would think that mankind wished to destroy itself and had no desire to survive.