
"plagado" in English

"plagado" in English
plagado{adjective masculine}
plagado{adjective masculine}

Context examples for "plagado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(CS) Primer Ministro, Señorías, la UE acaba de finalizar un año plagado de éxitos.
(CS) Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen, the EU has just concluded a most successful year.
Se trata de un sector plagado de peligros para los Estados miembros.
This is an area that has been fraught with danger for the Member States.
El mercado único sigue plagado de divisiones entre la vieja Europa y la nueva.
The single internal market is still plagued by divisions between the old Europe and the new Europe.
Este tema está plagado de dificultades para todos los que participan en ella.
This subject is fraught with difficulties for all concerned.
Por desgracia, este intento ha estado plagado de dificultades.
Unfortunately, its attempt at democracy has been fraught with difficulties.
No estoy especialmente impresionado por este informe que, en el fondo, está plagado de tópicos.
I am not particularly impressed by this report which is full of clichés.
Señor Presidente, este es un debate que está plagado de hipocresía.
Mr President, this is a debate which is bedevilled with hypocrisy.
Cambiando de tema, he observado que el Libro verde está plagado de preguntas.
On a slightly different note, I have noticed that the Green Paper is littered with a great many questions.
En su lugar, está plagado de ideología intervencionista.
Instead, it is riddled through and through with interventionist ideology.
Así pues, hemos de continuar por este camino, a sabiendas de que está plagado de obstáculos.
We must therefore proceed along this road, in the knowledge that the road is strewn with obstacles.
El informe está, por otra parte, plagado de formulaciones poco cuidadas.
Moreover, the report is full of careless formulations.
Es un proceso largo, plagado de todo tipo de imprevistos que hay que superar mientras se continúa avanzando.
It takes time and there are a host of unexpected problems that need resolving along the way.
todo el razonamiento estaba plagado de faltas de coherencia
the whole argument was shot through with inconsistencies
El informe está plagado de todo tipo de ejemplos también imposibles desde un punto de vista jurídico.
The report is thus riddled with all sorts of examples that are also impossible from a legal point of view.
Este sector tiene una historia pionera, un presente activo y un futuro plagado de retos e inseguridades.
This sector has a pioneering history, an active present and a future full of challenges and uncertainties.
En su formato original, el informe estaba plagado de enormes generalizaciones y -a mi juicio- exageraciones.
In its original format, the report was full of sweeping generalisations and - in my view - exaggerations.
El camino hacia el inicio del trabajo concreto del Tribunal es aún muy largo y está plagado de obstáculos.
There is still a long road, fraught with obstacles, to be covered before the court can actually start work.
Todo el informe está plagado de medidas destinadas a ampliar la influencia de la Unión y desarrollar nueva burocracia.
The whole report is permeated by efforts to extend the EU’s influence and develop new bureaucracies.
Admiro el valor del Gobierno español al elegir esta vía, un camino polémico y plagado de riesgos.
I admire the courage of the Spanish Government in choosing this path, a path that is controversial and fraught with risks.
- (EL) Señora Presidenta, Señorías, el tema que presenta hoy la Comisión está plagado de contradicciones.
- (EL) Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, the topic presented by the Commission today is full of contradictions.