
"patriarcal" in English

"patriarcal" in English
patriarcal{adjective masculine/feminine}
patriarcal{adjective masculine/feminine}
Turquía es un país islámico con una cultura predominantemente autoritaria y patriarcal.
Turkey is an Islamic country with a predominantly authoritarian and patriarchal culture.
Y sin duda se han logrado avances, pero el sistema fundamental del poder patriarcal sigue en pie.
Certainly, progress has been made, but the basic patriarchal power system still exists.
Los papeles de víctima y autor se invierten en beneficio de una sociedad patriarcal.
The roles of victim and perpetrator are reversed for the benefit of a patriarchal society.

Context examples for "patriarcal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y sin duda se han logrado avances, pero el sistema fundamental del poder patriarcal sigue en pie.
Each year, we have pinned great hope on all the words being translated into practical action.
Me suena demasiado patriarcal.
I find that too patronising.
Estos asesinatos, que denominamos feminicidios, tienen su origen en un contexto social dominado por la mentalidad patriarcal que impide a las mujeres ser socialmente autónomas.
These murders known as feminicides are caused by a social context influenced by a patriarch mindset that prevents women from becoming socially independent.
Apoyo todas las enmiendas del ponente incluidas en el informe y estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que la actitud de la Comisión es absolutamente patriarcal, tal como ha explicado muy bien la Sra.
I support all the rapporteur's amendments in the report and I agree that the Commission has taken a completely paternalistic attitude, which Mrs Jackson illustrated splendidly.