
"paterna" in English

"paterna" in English

Context examples for "paterna" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
país », al que había emigrado después de abandonar la casa paterna.
to which he had gone after leaving his father's house.
de hijo en la casa paterna.
than these goods was his dignity as a son in his father's house.
los menores de edad necesitan la autorización paterna
minors need their parents' consent
es pariente mío por línea paterna
he's a relative of mine on my father's side
A la dimensión “materna” receptiva constituida por la empatía, se agrega aquella “paterna”, sin la cual la primera peligraría de permanecer ineficaz.
To this “maternal dimension” based on empathy, we add also the “father dimension”, without which the former would risk being ineffective.
la casa paterna
the family home
Recibió una acogida paterna de aquel gran Pontífice, que, iluminado por el Señor, intuyó el origen divino del movimiento suscitado por Francisco.
He was given a paternal reception by the great Pontiff who, enlightened by the Lord, intuited the divine origin of the movement awakened by Francis.
El patrimonio que aquel tal había recibido de su padre era un recurso de bienes materiales, pero más importante que estos bienes materiales era su dignidad de hijo en la casa paterna.
The inheritance that the son had received from his father was a quantity of material goods, but more important than these goods was his dignity as a son in his father's house.