
"partridge" in Spanish

"partridge" in Spanish
perdiz{noun} [ornith.]
partridge shooting
la caza de la perdiz
Mr Dupuis, I think it would be a very bad thing, this week, prior to the Council of Ministers' decision on the 24th, to discuss whether this concerns doves, partridges, rabbits or hares.
Señor Dupuis, yo creo que sería muy malo, en esta semana, antes de la decisión del Consejo de Ministros del 24, discutir acerca de si son palomas, si son perdices, si son conejos, si son liebres.
Mr Dupuis, I think it would be a very bad thing, this week, prior to the Council of Ministers ' decision on the 24th, to discuss whether this concerns doves, partridges, rabbits or hares.
Señor Dupuis, yo creo que sería muy malo, en esta semana, antes de la decisión del Consejo de Ministros del 24, discutir acerca de si son palomas, si son perdices, si son conejos, si son liebres.

Synonyms (English) for "partridge":
Context examples for "partridge" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
partridge shooting
la caza de la perdiz