
"oradora" in English

"oradora" in English
speaker{noun} (in public)
(La oradora se detiene y posteriormente continúa a petición de la Presidenta)
(The speaker stops and then resumes at the invitation of the President)
No podemos olvidar Haladja, tal como la anterior oradora ya ha señalado.
As the previous speaker has already mentioned, we should not forget Haladja.
Desgraciadamente mi la oradora que me precedió tampoco fue muy precisa a este respecto.
Unfortunately, the previous speaker was not very precise either about this.
Hemos escuchado a un orador que está a favor, y a un orador que está en contra.
We have heard one speaker in favour and one speaker against.
Ya ha intervenido un orador a favor. Ha intervenido un orador en contra.
We have now had a speaker in favour and a speaker against.
Este informe está basado en motivos políticos, como ha ilustrado el orador anterior.
This report is based on political motives, as the previous speaker illustrated.
Usted es un orador muy bueno, señor Sarkozy, pero no estoy tan seguro de que sepa escuchar.
You are a very good orator, Mr Sarkozy, but I am not so sure that you are that good a listener.
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador)
(The President interrupts the orator)
como orador cautivaba al público
as an orator he was absolutely spellbinding

Context examples for "oradora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Stauner, la oradora anterior.
I want to pick up a point mentioned by Mrs Stauner, who spoke immediately before me.
(La Asamblea, puesta en pie, dedica un prolongado aplauso a la oradora)
(The Members of the House stand up and there is prolonged applause)
La oradora se ha expresado en términos algo críticos acerca de la falta de un embargo de armas.
She was somewhat critical of the lack of an arms embargo.
Señor Presidente, yo temía que al ser la tercera oradora austríaca ya no me quedase nada que decir.
Mr President, as the third Austrian to speak, I was starting to worry that I would have nothing to add.
(El Presidente pide a la oradora que hable más despacio)
(The President asked the Member to speak more slowly)
Al igual que la oradora anterior, sé que mi nombre ha sido inscrito muy al principio y sin embargo no se me ha concedido la palabra.
However, we cannot be here just as the voice of the ‘ ins’ and forget about the ‘ outs’.
En calidad de última oradora, bien puedo afirmarlo.
As the last person to speak, I can say that.
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora)
(Interruption by the President)
tiene grandes dotes de oradora
as a speaker, she's extremely effective
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora)
(The speech was interrupted)
(La Asamblea, puesta en pie, aplaude a la oradora)
Standing ovation
– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, no podría estar más en desacuerdo con la anterior oradora.
In the light of what the Commissioner has heard tonight, I suggest that to avoid humiliation tomorrow, he withdraws it before it is put to the vote in plenary.
(La oradora acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la "tarjeta azul" de conformidad con el artículo 149, apartado 8, del Reglamento)
(The Member agreed to take a blue card question under Rule 149(8) of the Rules of Procedure)
En contra de la costumbre, voy a dar la palabra a una oradora que estaba inscrita pero que equivocó un poco los horarios.
I would not normally do this but I shall now give the floor to a Member who was due to speak, but who was slightly confused as to the timetable.
es una excelente oradora
she's a very impressive speaker
– La oradora socialista polaca anterior, Sra. Grabowska, ha dicho algo muy interesante: ha dicho que todo Estado necesita una constitución.
The Polish socialist, MrsGrabowska, who spoke earlier, said something very interesting, to the effect that every State needed a constitution.
oradora invitada
guest speaker
– Aunque como Presidente considero sus comentarios totalmente pertinentes, daré la palabra a la señora Batzeli, que es la última oradora inscrita.
Although as President I consider your comments wholly pertinent, I will hand over to MrsBatzeli, who is the last person scheduled to speak.
Debo aclarar a la oradora que ha intervenido antes que nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza decir que los políticos son quienes deben dictar el tiempo requerido para desarrollar un avión.
I have to tell the honourable lady Member who spoke earlier that it would never enter my head to say that it was for politicians to prescribe the time required for the development of an aircraft.