
"oil tanker" in Spanish

Most recently, we reacted to the tragic loss of the oil tanker Prestige.
Más recientemente, reaccionamos al trágico naufragio del petrolero Prestige.
The cause of the disaster must be sought in the weakened structure of the oil tanker.
Habrá que buscar la causa de la catástrofe en la estructura debilitada del petrolero.
An old trawler is as dangerous as an old oil tanker.
Un viejo arrastrero es tan peligroso como un viejo petrolero.
buque petrolero{m} [naut.]
Mr President, the loss of the oil tanker, Erika, triggered a long list of activities on the part of the Commission.
Señor Presidente, cuando el buque petrolero Erika se hundió, se desató una serie de actividades por parte de la Comisión.
tanquero{m} [naut.]

Synonyms (English) for "oil tanker":
Context examples for "oil tanker" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For transport - including oil-tanker traffic - there are flags of convenience.
Para el transporte -incluyendo el tráfico de petroleros- están las banderas de conveniencia.
This has been demonstrated, not least, by the catastrophe involving the loss of the oil tanker Erika.
Especialmente la tragedia del hundimiento del Erika lo ha demostrado.
We built the largest oil tanker in history.
Construimos el mayor buque-tanque de todos los tiempos.
I would like to express my sympathy with all those who are dealing with the consequences of the breaking up and sinking of the oil tanker Erika.
Quisiera expresar mi condolencia a todos cuantos están afrontando las consecuencias de la rotura y el hundimiento del buque-cisterna Erika.