
"morrow" in Spanish

"morrow" in Spanish

Context examples for "morrow" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But they hamstrung her, and on the morrow they repented;
pues les sobrevino el castigo [profetizado por Salih].
And never say of anything, "Verily, I am going to do that to-morrow,".
sin [añadir], “si Dios quiere.
And a mighty noise caught those who had done wrong; and on the morrow they were lying corpses in their houses,
como si nunca hubieran vivido en ellas.
See you not how Allah sends down water from the sky, and on the morrow the earth is green?
Suyo es cuanto hay en los cielos y cuanto hay en la tierra; y, ciertamente, Dios --sólo Él-- es en verdad autosuficiente, digno de todo alabanza.
And We made plain for him the decree that the uttermost one of these people should be cut off on the morrow.
Y [a través de Nuestros emisarios] le revelamos este decreto: “Ciertamente, esos [pecadores] serán aniquilados por completo al alba.
to let us see what the morrow brings
veamos qué nos depara el nuevo día
we shall depart on the morrow
partiremos mañana
And on the morrow those who had yearned for his place the day before said, "Ah!
Y esa vida [de felicidad] en el más allá, la concedemos [sólo] a quienes no pretenden conducirse con altivez en la tierra, ni sembrar la corrupción: pues el futuro es de los conscientes de Dios.
Fear (or be careful of your duty to) Allah, and let every soul consider what it has sent on for the morrow, and fear (or be careful of your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do.
¡Sed conscientes de Dios; y que cada ser humano mire bien lo que adelanta para el mañana!
good morrow!
¡buenos días!