
"misionera" in English

"misionera" in English
misionero{adjective masculine}
de sabia e incansable actividad misionera en Khambaliq habían dado vida a
wise and untiring missionary activity in Khambaliq had given rise to a numerous
En la realidad misionera, la vocación del catequista
In actual missionary practice, the catechist's vocation is
largo de toda su historia, en Cristo y a causa del Espíritu, misionera
throughout her history, "is by her very nature missionary" (AG
misionero al servicio radical del Evangelio, proclamando sin cesar las
new ways of missionary commitment to the radical service of the Gospel, by
siglos desde que el gran misionero franciscano llegó a Khambaliq, después
Franciscan missionary arrived in Khambaliq, after a journey which lasted five
"el verdadero misionero es el santo" puede aplicarse
missionary is the saint", can be applied without hesitation to the
misionero{adjective masculine}
misionero, para que "se hagan ellos mismos animadores misioneros de
marked missionary spirit, who "will themselves become missionary
De hecho, el compromiso misionero tradicional de las dos Provincias permanece todavía vivo.
Hence, the traditional missionary efforts of the two Provinces is still lively.
entre la guía interna de una comunidad y el deber misionero de
community and the missionary obligation ad extra to proclaim the

Synonyms (Spanish) for "misionero":
Context examples for "misionera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
misionera de los laicos; la catolicidad de los movimientos eclesiales y de
laity; the catholicity of the Ecclesial Movements and the New Communities,
actividad misionera de los dos hermanos estuvo acompañada por un éxito notable,
the two Brothers was accompanied by notable success, but also by the
misionera que es (que vive) la Iglesia, las actividades emprendidas por el
activities since undertaken by the Pontifical Council have been directed
clara conciencia misionera, que le haga apto y listo para comprometere
conscience, which makes him fit and ready to devote himself effectively and
misionera de la Iglesia (26), los presbíteros ocupan necesariamente un
nature of the Church, priests necessarily occupy an important place.
caritativo de la Iglesia, así como toda la actividad misionera, da "a
activity, like all pastoral activity, "brings light and an impulse
Todavía hay que hacer una gran labor misionera.
A great deal of work still remains to be done here to get the message across.
En el futuro deberá seguir distinguiéndose, como en el pasado, por su eficacia insustituible en la actividad misionera ad
In the future, as in the past, they should be distinguished by their indispensable contribution to
con la actividad misionera.
important and many-sided.
José Rodríguez Carballo, visitó la Fundación misionera de la Inmaculada de Angola, dependiente de la Provincia de la Inmaculada del Brasil.
José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, visited the mission of the Immaculate Foundation of Angola, which is dependent on the Province of the Immaculate Virgin in Brazil.
En este diálogo de salvación, la Iglesia ofrece al hombre la verdad, que le fue confiada por el mismo Jesucristo, con una "apertura universal"(8) y misionera.
In this dialogue of salvation with humanity, the Church offers the truth entrusted to her by Jesus Christ Himself with "universal openness."(8)
Se da una feliz coincidencia entre la celebración de esta Asamblea y la Jornada Misionera; y la Palabra de Dios que hemos escuchado resulta iluminadora para ambas.
The coincidence between this ecclesiastical meeting and World Mission Sunday is a happy one; and the word of God that we have listened to sheds light on both subjects.