
"misionero" in English

"misionero" in English
misionero{adjective masculine}
misionero al servicio radical del Evangelio, proclamando sin cesar las
new ways of missionary commitment to the radical service of the Gospel, by
siglos desde que el gran misionero franciscano llegó a Khambaliq, después
Franciscan missionary arrived in Khambaliq, after a journey which lasted five
"el verdadero misionero es el santo" puede aplicarse
missionary is the saint", can be applied without hesitation to the
misionero{adjective masculine}
misionero, para que "se hagan ellos mismos animadores misioneros de
marked missionary spirit, who "will themselves become missionary
De hecho, el compromiso misionero tradicional de las dos Provincias permanece todavía vivo.
Hence, the traditional missionary efforts of the two Provinces is still lively.
entre la guía interna de una comunidad y el deber misionero de
community and the missionary obligation ad extra to proclaim the

Synonyms (Spanish) for "misionero":
Context examples for "misionero" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
misionero, la CEP se propone llamar nuevamente la atención sobre la
attention to the present situation, the problems that arise, and prospects for
misionero, que lleva a encontrarse con los hombres y mujeres de nuestra época,
which reaches out to the men and women of our era in the concrete
misionero, han dado siempre, y siguen prestando todavía, "una
to make, "an outstanding and indispensable contribution to the spread
sacerdote es el religioso misionero, y no el sacerdote diocesano secular local;
priests but not of a local diocesan clergy.
misionero que movió a Cristo (AG 4). Así pues, la misión del Pueblo de Dios no podrá consistir jamás en mera actividad
(AG 4). Consequently the mission of the People of God can never consist
misionero fuera de sus diócesis e incluso fuera de Nigeria.
work outside their own dioceses and outside Nigeria.
El espíritu misionero requiere, en fin, que el
Finally, one should not forget that the stamp of
El mandato misionero de Cristo, perennemente válido, es una invitación explícita a
of candidates in catechetical centres. Apart from the general criteria, each centre, in keeping with its character, will have its own requirements concerning
sucesivo viaje misionero a Occidente, hasta el instante en que pudieran depositarlas solemnemente en Roma, entregándolas al papa Adriano II.
journey to the West, until they were able to bring them solemnly to Rome and present them to Pope Hadrian II.
Ardor misionero.
In view of their baptism and special
viven permaneciendo en el corazón misionero de la Iglesia mediante la oración continua, la oblación de sí mismas y el ofrecimiento del sacrificio de alabanza.
heart of the Church, by means of constant prayer, the oblation of self and the offering of the sacrifice of praise.
la postura del misionero
the missionary position
es médico misionero
he is a medical missionary
El año próximo se celebrará el II Congreso Franciscano Misionero de América latina y El Caribe, continuación del celebrado en Córdoba, Argentina en el año 2008.
Next year, the Second Franciscan Mission Congress of Latin America and the Caribbean will be celebrated, a continuation of what was celebrated in Cordoba, Argentina in 2008.
No se trata de simple adaptación, sino de impulso misionero: es
now as in the past, the Catholic school must be able to speak for itself effectively and convincingly. It is not merely a question of adaptation, but of