
"migraine" in Spanish

"migraine" in Spanish
To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of SSRIs for preventing migraine and TTH.
Evaluar la eficacia y tolerabilidad de los ISRS para la prevención de la migraña y la cefalea tensional.
Spinal manipulation may be effective for migraine and chronic tension-type headache.
La manipulación espinal puede ser efectiva para la migraña y la cefalea crónica de tipo tensional.
Migraine patients suffer from recurrent attacks of mostly one-sided, severe headache.
Los pacientes con migraña sufren los ataques recurrentes de cefalea grave, principalmente unilateral.
The migraine will disappear because we will have lost our heads.
Desaparecerá la jaqueca porque antes hemos perdido la cabeza.
migraña{f} [med.]
To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of SSRIs for preventing migraine and TTH.
Evaluar la eficacia y tolerabilidad de los ISRS para la prevención de la migraña y la cefalea tensional.
Migraine and cluster headaches are severe and disabling.
La migraña y las cefaleas en brotes son graves e incapacitantes.
Migraine patients suffer from recurrent attacks of mostly one-sided, severe headache.
Los pacientes con migraña sufren los ataques recurrentes de cefalea grave, principalmente unilateral.
jaqueca{f} [med.]
The migraine will disappear because we will have lost our heads.
Desaparecerá la jaqueca porque antes hemos perdido la cabeza.

Synonyms (English) for "migraine":
Context examples for "migraine" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
migraine attack
ataque de migraña