
"medioambientalista" in English

"medioambientalista" in English
medioambientalista{masculine plural}
Hay que comprender que no se trata de oponer agricultores y medioambientalistas.
It must be clearly understood that this does not involve placing farmers and environmentalists at loggerheads.
Salvo algunos medioambientalistas, que se preocupan realmente por el recalentamiento del planeta, la gran indiferencia está de moda.
Apart from a few environmentalists who are deeply concerned about global warming, total indifference is the norm.
Respecto al tema del tabaco, después de oír a sus Señorías, volvemos a abrir el debate que hay entre los mal llamados medioambientalistas y los agroambientalistas.
On the tobacco question, having listened to the honourable Members, this is opening up the debate again between the people who are wrongly labelled as environmentalists or agri-environmentalists.
Hay que comprender que no se trata de oponer agricultores y medioambientalistas.
It must be clearly understood that this does not involve placing farmers and environmentalists at loggerheads.
Salvo algunos medioambientalistas, que se preocupan realmente por el recalentamiento del planeta, la gran indiferencia está de moda.
Apart from a few environmentalists who are deeply concerned about global warming, total indifference is the norm.
Respecto al tema del tabaco, después de oír a sus Señorías, volvemos a abrir el debate que hay entre los mal llamados medioambientalistas y los agroambientalistas.
On the tobacco question, having listened to the honourable Members, this is opening up the debate again between the people who are wrongly labelled as environmentalists or agri-environmentalists.

Context examples for "medioambientalista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el caso que nos ocupa hoy, un medioambientalista ha sido apresado por el simple hecho de colaborar en un informe sobre la contaminación de los mares que rodean la península de Kola.
In the case in point, a campaigner on environmental issues has been arrested simply for collaborating on a report dealing with pollution of the waters around the Kola peninsula.