
"marcial" in English

"marcial" in English
marcial{adjective masculine/feminine}
marcial{adjective masculine/feminine}
Esta condena no fue suficiente, porque la ley marcial acaba de ser prorrogada por seis meses.
This condemnation was not sufficient, as martial law has just been extended for six months.
La ley marcial trajo con ella una oleada de violencia, detenciones y encarcelamiento que afectó a miles de personas.
Martial law brought with it violence, arrests and imprisonment for thousands of people.
Digo estas palabras exactamente 24 años después de que se impusiera la ley marcial en mi país de origen, Polonia.
I say these words exactly 24years after martial law was imposed in my home country, Poland.
soldierly{adj.} (bearing)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "marcial":
Context examples for "marcial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
salvo imponer la ley marcial, hemos hecho todo lo posible para …
barring martial law, we've done all we can to …
En Siria está en vigor, desde hace 41 años, el estado de emergencia, que permite la aplicación de la ley marcial por los tribunales militares.
Every minute, 100 abortions are carried out, half of them by people with no medical training.
se ha impuesto la ley marcial en el país
the country is under martial law
Digo estas palabras exactamente 24 años después de que se impusiera la ley marcial en mi país de origen, Polonia.
I refer to the fact that the European Union is being treated like an economic club, the sole aim of which is to develop the common market.
Esta ostentación marcial provoca miedos a los albanos y les obliga naturalmente a huir, mientras nosotros miramos sin más.
This warlike activity is frightening the Albanians and of course putting them to flight, and we are standing by and watching, as is our wont.