
"magrebíes" in English

"magrebíes" in English
magrebíes{masculine/feminine plural}
magrebíes{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
magrebíes{masculine/feminine plural}
Maghrebis{pl} (demonym)
North Africans{pl} (demonym)
Las costas andaluzas devuelven regularmente los cadáveres de desafortunados magrebíes que huyen de la miseria en las famosas pateras.
The Andalusian coasts regularly wash up the bodies of unfortunate North Africans who have fled misery in their notorious rafts.
magrebíes{adjective masculine/feminine plural}

Context examples for "magrebíes" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La discriminación frente a las comunidades magrebíes en Europa es también doble.
Discrimination against North African communities in Europe is also two-sided.
Por supuesto, debemos recordar que los trágicos atentados de Madrid fueron realizados por salafistas magrebíes.
We must remember, of course, that the tragic Madrid bombings were carried out by Maghribi Salafists.
¿Acaso van a ser menos los emigrantes, los magrebíes, o habrá quien tenga menos posibilidades de hablar de xenofobia?
Will it be less immigration, fewer Maghreb nationals and fewer opportunities for certain parties to talk of xenophobia?
Las costas andaluzas devuelven regularmente los cadáveres de desafortunados magrebíes que huyen de la miseria en las famosas pateras.
The Andalusian coasts regularly wash up the bodies of unfortunate North Africans who have fled misery in their notorious rafts.
Señora Presidenta,¿sabe usted que estamos cerrando a los jóvenes magrebíes lo que estamos abriendo para los jóvenes de los PECO?
Madam President, were you aware that the very doors we are opening to young people from the CEECs are being closed to young people from the Maghreb?
Señora Presidenta, ¿sabe usted que estamos cerrando a los jóvenes magrebíes lo que estamos abriendo para los jóvenes de los PECO?
Madam President, were you aware that the very doors we are opening to young people from the CEECs are being closed to young people from the Maghreb?
Los países magrebíes participan de manera activa en las relaciones comerciales y han demostrado su determinación a contribuir al éxito de dicho proceso.
The countries of the Maghreb play an active role in the partnership and have proved their determination to contribute to the success of the said process.
¿Iremos en Bélgica, en Francia o en cualquier otra parte de la Unión Europea, a solicitar en nuestras prisiones a delincuentes magrebíes para someterles a estos experimentos?
Are we - in Belgium, in France or elsewhere in the European Union - going to appeal to North African delinquents in our prisons in order to subject them to experiments?
Utilicemos esas cadenas de televisión en las que hemos fabricado esa Europa de las «mil maravillas» con la que estamos engañando con un sueño europeo a los jóvenes magrebíes.
We should make use of those very television channels through which we have created the myth of a European wonderland, making many young people from the Maghreb believe in a European dream.
Utilicemos esas cadenas de televisión en las que hemos fabricado esa Europa de las« mil maravillas» con la que estamos engañando con un sueño europeo a los jóvenes magrebíes.
We should make use of those very television channels through which we have created the myth of a European wonderland, making many young people from the Maghreb believe in a European dream.
Argelia es un país magrebí que, como todos los países magrebíes, tiene unas especiales peculiaridades en su desarrollo político, económico, social y cultural, y no conviene que olvidemos esto.
Algeria is a Maghreb country, and like all the Maghreb countries, its political, economic, social and cultural development has special features which should not be forgotten.