
"magic potion" in Spanish

"magic potion" in Spanish

Similar translations for "magic potion" in Spanish
Context examples for "magic potion" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is why we should remember that the magic potion only works for the Gauls, for Asterix and Obelix.
Por ello, repetimos: la pócima mágica sólo funciona con los galos, con Asterix y Obelix.
the witch had endowed the potion with magic powers
la bruja había insuflado mágicos poderes a la bebida
Even a vote by the European Parliament cannot turn an insipid recommendation into a magic potion to ward off the evils of capitalism.
Ni siquiera un voto del Parlamento Europeo puede transformar una recomendación insípida en una poción mágica contra los males del capitalismo.
a magic potion
un brebaje mágico
magic potion
filtro mágico
Unbundling has become a kind of magic potion, whereas the experience of those countries that have been practising it certainly does not put the case for liberal measures of this kind.
La separación se ha convertido en una especie de poción mágica, pese a que la experiencia de los países que la han aplicado no respalda las ventajas de este tipo de medidas liberales.