
"magiares" in English

"magiares" in English
magiares{masculine/feminine plural}
magiares{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
magiar{adjective masculine/feminine}
magiares{masculine/feminine plural}
Magyars{pl} (demonym)
magiares{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
Los antepasados de la etnia húngara fueron las tribus magiares que llegaron a los Cárpatos en 896.
The ancestors of ethnic Hungarians were the Magyar tribes, who moved into the Carpathian Basin in 896.
Magyar{noun} (demonym)
Los antepasados de la etnia húngara fueron las tribus magiares que llegaron a los Cárpatos en 896.
The ancestors of ethnic Hungarians were the Magyar tribes, who moved into the Carpathian Basin in 896.
Los húngaros y los polacos son buenos amigos; como dice el refrán, "magiar y polaco son amigos finos; se pelean juntos y se beben el vino".
Hungarian and Pole are two good friends; as the saying goes, 'Magyar and Pole, two friends so fine; together they fight and drink their wine'.
magiar{adjective masculine/feminine}
Los antepasados de la etnia húngara fueron las tribus magiares que llegaron a los Cárpatos en 896.
The ancestors of ethnic Hungarians were the Magyar tribes, who moved into the Carpathian Basin in 896.
Los húngaros y los polacos son buenos amigos; como dice el refrán, "magiar y polaco son amigos finos; se pelean juntos y se beben el vino".
Hungarian and Pole are two good friends; as the saying goes, 'Magyar and Pole, two friends so fine; together they fight and drink their wine'.