"magiar" in English
Los antepasados de la etnia húngara fueron las tribus magiares que llegaron a los Cárpatos en 896.
The ancestors of ethnic Hungarians were the Magyar tribes, who moved into the Carpathian Basin in 896.
Los húngaros y los polacos son buenos amigos; como dice el refrán, "magiar y polaco son amigos finos; se pelean juntos y se beben el vino".
Hungarian and Pole are two good friends; as the saying goes, 'Magyar and Pole, two friends so fine; together they fight and drink their wine'.
Los antepasados de la etnia húngara fueron las tribus magiares que llegaron a los Cárpatos en 896.
The ancestors of ethnic Hungarians were the Magyar tribes, who moved into the Carpathian Basin in 896.
Los húngaros y los polacos son buenos amigos; como dice el refrán, "magiar y polaco son amigos finos; se pelean juntos y se beben el vino".
Hungarian and Pole are two good friends; as the saying goes, 'Magyar and Pole, two friends so fine; together they fight and drink their wine'.
Context examples for "magiar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Eslovaquia ha trazado una línea sobre su pasado magiar.
Slovakia has drawn a line under its Meciar past.
Esa es la razón por la que tenemos que apoyar la propuesta británico-magiar llamada OSOR (una sustancia, un registro) y no debemos permitir que se desvirtúe.
This is why we need to support the British-Hungarian proposal referred to as OSOR (one substance, one registration) and must not allow it to be diluted.
Debemos procurar no poner en peligro este proceso y asegurarnos de que en un arrebato de entusiasmo no se nos vaya el bebé por el desagüe de la bañera, como reza el dicho magiar.
We should take care not to endanger this process and make sure that in our surge of enthusiasm we do not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as the Hungarian saying so aptly puts it.
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